

Melissa Rossi
出版情報: New York : Plume, 2005
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Briefing : the mighty right
The Christian right : introducing the handmaiden's tale?
The Bushes : Texan blue bloods
Bush insiders : the vulcans
The neocons : professional alarmists
Briefing : how big pharma works
FDA : a failed experiment?
Pfizer : the hungry giant
Monsanto : the revolutionary
Briefing : spooks, sneaks, and snitches
Post 9/11 world : securing the patriots
Foreign intelligence : stirring up the world
Wal-mart : the slave driver
Credit card companies : the corporate loan sharks
Public relations companies : the propagandists
Rupert Murdoch : the mightiest media magnate
Think tanks : questionable sources
Council on Foreign Relations : powerful whispers
George Soros : the meddler
Rev. Sun Myung Moon : still rising
Media matters : losing focus
Briefing : defense manueverings
DARPA : over the edge and into the present
Lockheed-Martin : snoop 'n' shoot
Halliburton : inside connections
The Carlyle group : slippery arms
Bechtel : the master builder
Briefing : oil and water
Oil : the beast
The al-Saud : conflicts of interest
OPEC : controlling natural riches
Non OPEC oil producers : the outsiders
Veolia and Suez : the new water barons
North Korea : nuclear rogue
Terrorists : aiding the government?
Organized criminals : modern misfits
Briefing : the mighty right
The Christian right : introducing the handmaiden's tale?
The Bushes : Texan blue bloods


George Lakoff
出版情報: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1996
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Michael D. Clark
出版情報: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1983
シリーズ名: Contributions in political science ; no. 86
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