

Kathleen T. Alligood, Tim D. Sauer, James A. Yorke
出版情報: New York : Springer, c1996
シリーズ名: Textbooks in mathematical sciences
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Robert L. Devaney and Linda Keen, editors ; Kathleen T. Alligood ... [et al.]
出版情報: Providence, RI : American Mathematical Society, c1989
シリーズ名: Proceedings of symposia in applied mathematics ; v. 39 . AMS short course lecture notes
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Overview : dynamics of simple maps Robert L. Devaney
Nonlinear oscillations and the Smale horseshoe map Philip J. Holmes
Fractal basin boundaries and chaotic attractors Kathleen T. Alligood and James A. Yorke
Julia Sets Linda Keen
The Mandelbrot set Bodil Branner
Introduction to fractals Jenny Harrison
Iterated function systems Michael F. Barnsley
Overview : dynamics of simple maps Robert L. Devaney
Nonlinear oscillations and the Smale horseshoe map Philip J. Holmes
Fractal basin boundaries and chaotic attractors Kathleen T. Alligood and James A. Yorke