

National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, Division of Engineering, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 264
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1639
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Organization for statewide transportation planning, by Kenneth W. Shiatte
Statewide transportation palanning program, by robert Breuer
First year's work in statewide transportation planning in New York state, by Clifford Elkins
Data services for statewide transportation, by John Shafer
Organization for statewide transportation planning, by Kenneth W. Shiatte
Statewide transportation palanning program, by robert Breuer
First year's work in statewide transportation planning in New York state, by Clifford Elkins


National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, Division of Engineering, National Research Council, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 267
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1644
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Traffic delay on urban arterial streets as a result of curb parking maneuvers, by Lee A. Webster ; discussion : Jack C. Marcellis; ...
Aerial photographic parking study techniques, by Thomas A. Syrakis and John R. Platt
Traffic delay on urban arterial streets as a result of curb parking maneuvers, by Lee A. Webster ; discussion : Jack C. Marcellis; ...
Aerial photographic parking study techniques, by Thomas A. Syrakis and John R. Platt


National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, Division of Engineering, National Research Council, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 277
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1654
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Problems of relocation in a major city : activities and achievements in vbaltimore, maryland, by Arthur G. Christensen and Alvin N. Jackson
The Effect of modern highways on urban manufacturing growth, by Leonard F. Wheat
Toward measurement of community impact : the utilization of longitudinal travel data to define residential linkages, by Raymond H. Ellis and Richard D. Worrall ; Discussion : Floyd I. Thiel
Accessibility and environmental quality, by V. Setty Pendakur and G. R. Brown
Maryland capital beltiway impact study, by Merwin Shurberg asnd F. John Devaney
Problems of relocation in a major city : activities and achievements in vbaltimore, maryland, by Arthur G. Christensen and Alvin N. Jackson
The Effect of modern highways on urban manufacturing growth, by Leonard F. Wheat
Toward measurement of community impact : the utilization of longitudinal travel data to define residential linkages, by Raymond H. Ellis and Richard D. Worrall ; Discussion : Floyd I. Thiel


National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, National Research Council, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 279
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1656
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National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, Division of Engineering, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 283
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1660
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Carros por puesto-the "Jitney" taxi system of Caracas, Venezurla, by Walter Kudlick
An Analysis of central business district pedestrian circulation patterns, by M. P. Ness, J. F. Morrall, and B. G. Hutchinson
A Markovian analysis of urban travel behavior : pattern response by socioeconomic-occupational groups, by Frank E. Horton and willian E. Wagner
The Mathematical form of travel time factors, by Norman Ashford and Donald O. Covault
Shortcut modal split formula, by F. Houston Wynn
A Probability model of travel mode choice for the work journey, by Peter R. Stopher
Carros por puesto-the "Jitney" taxi system of Caracas, Venezurla, by Walter Kudlick
An Analysis of central business district pedestrian circulation patterns, by M. P. Ness, J. F. Morrall, and B. G. Hutchinson
A Markovian analysis of urban travel behavior : pattern response by socioeconomic-occupational groups, by Frank E. Horton and willian E. Wagner


National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, National Research Council, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 285
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1662
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National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, National Research Council, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 286
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1663
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目次情報: 続きを見る
Development of an advisory speed signal system for high-speed intersections under traffic-actuated control, by C. E. Dare
A traffic signal data management system for urban transportation planning, by B. W. Fenton
Evaluation of minor improvements, by C. G. Hammer, Jr
Computer displays for the traffic engineer, by R. C. Sandys and J. L. Schlaefli
A new intersection study techniques, by Z. A. Nemeth and J. Treiterer
Optimal selection of a progression for a two-way arterial street, by J. B. Kreer and W. D. Panyan
Accident exposure and intersection safety for at-grade, unsignalized intersections, by V. H. Surti
Development of an advisory speed signal system for high-speed intersections under traffic-actuated control, by C. E. Dare
A traffic signal data management system for urban transportation planning, by B. W. Fenton
Evaluation of minor improvements, by C. G. Hammer, Jr


National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, Division of engineering, National Research Council, 1969
シリーズ名: Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1667
Highway research record ; no. 289
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On the Australian road capacity guide, by A. J. Miller
Examination of consistency in signalized intersection capacity charts of the highway capacity manual, by Y. B. Chang and D. S. Berry
Truck equivalency, by E. F. Reilly and J. Seifert
Real-time evaluation of freeway quality of traffic service, by R. H. Whitson and others
On the Australian road capacity guide, by A. J. Miller
Examination of consistency in signalized intersection capacity charts of the highway capacity manual, by Y. B. Chang and D. S. Berry
Truck equivalency, by E. F. Reilly and J. Seifert


National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, Division of engineering, National Research Council, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 292
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1670
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Drivers' eye movements and visual workload, by R. R. Mourant, T. H. Rockwell, and N. J. Rackoff
Passing behavior on public highways under daytime and nighttime conditions, by E. Farber
Wrong-way driving accidents are reduced, by T. N. Tamburri
An evaluation of the effectiveness of televised, locally oriented driver reeducation, by J. W. Hutchinson, C. S. Cox, and B. R. Maffet
The effects of sight distance and controlled impedance on passing behavior, by R. S. Hostetter and E. L. Seguin
Velocity sensing; comparison of field and laboratory methods, by S. Salvatore
Drivers' eye movements and visual workload, by R. R. Mourant, T. H. Rockwell, and N. J. Rackoff
Passing behavior on public highways under daytime and nighttime conditions, by E. Farber
Wrong-way driving accidents are reduced, by T. N. Tamburri


National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, National Research Council, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 297
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1675
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目次情報: 続きを見る
A simplified trip-distribution model for the estimation of urban travel, by John W. Lund
Trip generation : a critical appraisal, by Harold Kassoff and Harold D. Deutschman
Multiple-regression analysis of household trip generation-a critique, by Gerald M. McCarthy
Calibration of trasit networks in medium-sized urban areas, by David T. Hartgen
Automobile occupancy projections using a modal-split model, by Franklin Spielberg
License plate traffic survey, by Howard McCann and Gary Maring
A simplified trip-distribution model for the estimation of urban travel, by John W. Lund
Trip generation : a critical appraisal, by Harold Kassoff and Harold D. Deutschman
Multiple-regression analysis of household trip generation-a critique, by Gerald M. McCarthy


National Research Council (U.S.). Highway Research Board
出版情報: Washington : Highway Research Board, Division of Engineering, 1969
シリーズ名: Highway research record ; no. 293
Publication / National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ; no. 1671
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